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Fantage Smarties chat box

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large! Follow the rules!

Chat rules


Main mods: Rida, Blueberry, Shipy, Tinker
Owners, Michy, and Heena
All mods listen to Shipy, Tinker, Blueberry, and rida :)

1. No giveing personal info (No giveing e-mail, phone-number,or address,), this is for your safety. (there are stalkers)

2. Caps are allowed, but know your limit, if we tell you to stop useing them, you stop or you will be kicked

3. Don't ask to be mod or an owner! You will earn it!

4. Don't start drama/don't fight. You have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all

5. Don't swear aka cuss, some people don't like it and little kids go on here.

6. Don't spam its stupid and annoying if you don't know what it is please ask so you don't get kicked or banned

7. Don't advertise exept for youtube videos that are appropriete (lol I can't spell right)

8. No trading accounts for any VIRTUAL WORLD (You have no idea who is a hacker and who is not! (If you do get your account hacked don't complain to us!)

9. Don't bully people! You don't kow who they are and what they will do! You mighted of just killed someone

10. ONLY Speak in 1 language and thats english. I'm sorry, I'm not being offensive its just that we might not uderstand, on pc its fine though

Please follow the rules or you might get kicked/banned

(Kicked first 2 times, banned the next)


Made a video ^_^

Monday, 9 April 2012

Eggs! YOU are Judging!

Haii Smarties :P

Since Michy & Heena & Shipy are really busy planning the Easter party and the VIP party we need some help!
Under here are all the eggs submissions we got!! Theres not alot :( Anyways we want YOU to pick 1st, 2nd and 3rd!
So just write in the comments! and on Friday we will hopefully announce the winners!
Tinkers! Shes a mod! So she cant really get any of the prizess! but its still awesome :)


  1. Pinky8171 all the way !! <3 Ahaa Mwuahhh!

  2. 1st = Pinky8171
    2nd = Dolphin00
    3rd = Sarah_1304


  3. 1st: DolphinOO (Love the pig)

  4. 1st: Dolphin00
    2nd: Pinky8171
    3rd: Sarah_1304

  5. I think Dolphin should win


    2Nd:Sarah_1304(purple background with more sprinkle things)




Michys Tightrope

Dance Dance (Smart Edition)